Karabiner-Elements Key Codes and Modifiers
- category: Modifier keys
- name: caps_lock
- name: left_control
- name: left_shift
- name: left_option
- name: left_command
- name: right_control
- name: right_shift
- name: right_option
- name: right_command
- name: fn
- category: Controls and symbols
- name: return_or_enter
- name: escape
- name: delete_or_backspace
- name: delete_forward
- name: tab
- name: spacebar
- name: hyphen
label: hyphen (-)
- name: equal_sign
label: equal_sign (=)
- name: open_bracket
label: open_bracket [
- name: close_bracket
label: close_bracket ]
- name: backslash
label: backslash (\)
- name: non_us_pound
- name: semicolon
label: semicolon (;)
- name: quote
label: quote (')
- name: grave_accent_and_tilde
label: grave_accent_and_tilde ()
- name: comma
label: comma (,)
- name: period
label: period (.)
- name: slash
label: slash (/)
- name: non_us_backslash
- category: Arrow keys
- name: up_arrow
- name: down_arrow
- name: left_arrow
- name: right_arrow
- name: page_up
- name: page_down
- name: home
- name: end
- category: Letter keys
- name: a
- name: b
- name: c
- name: d
- name: e
- name: f
- name: g
- name: h
- name: i
- name: j
- name: k
- name: l
- name: m
- name: n
- name: o
- name: p
- name: q
- name: r
- name: s
- name: t
- name: u
- name: v
- name: w
- name: x
- name: y
- name: z
- category: Number keys
- name: '1'
- name: '2'
- name: '3'
- name: '4'
- name: '5'
- name: '6'
- name: '7'
- name: '8'
- name: '9'
- name: '0'
- category: Function keys
- name: f1
- name: f2
- name: f3
- name: f4
- name: f5
- name: f6
- name: f7
- name: f8
- name: f9
- name: f10
- name: f11
- name: f12
- name: f13
- name: f14
- name: f15
- name: f16
- name: f17
- name: f18
- name: f19
- name: f20
- name: f21
not_to: true
- name: f22
not_to: true
- name: f23
not_to: true
- name: f24
not_to: true
- category: Media controls
- name: display_brightness_decrement
not_from: true
- name: display_brightness_increment
not_from: true
- name: mission_control
not_from: true
- name: launchpad
not_from: true
- name: dashboard
not_from: true
- name: illumination_decrement
not_from: true
- name: illumination_increment
not_from: true
- name: rewind
not_from: true
- name: play_or_pause
not_from: true
- name: fastforward
not_from: true
- name: mute
- name: volume_decrement
- name: volume_increment
- name: eject
not_from: true
- name: apple_display_brightness_decrement
not_from: true
- name: apple_display_brightness_increment
not_from: true
- name: apple_top_case_display_brightness_decrement
not_from: true
- name: apple_top_case_display_brightness_increment
not_from: true
- category: Keypad keys
- name: keypad_num_lock
- name: keypad_slash
- name: keypad_asterisk
- name: keypad_hyphen
- name: keypad_plus
- name: keypad_enter
- name: keypad_1
- name: keypad_2
- name: keypad_3
- name: keypad_4
- name: keypad_5
- name: keypad_6
- name: keypad_7
- name: keypad_8
- name: keypad_9
- name: keypad_0
- name: keypad_period
- name: keypad_equal_sign
- name: keypad_comma
- category: Virtual Keys
- name: vk_none
label: vk_none (disable this key)
not_from: true
- category: Keys in pc keyboards
- name: print_screen
- name: scroll_lock
- name: pause
- name: insert
- name: application
- name: help
- name: power
- name: execute
not_to: true
- name: menu
not_to: true
- name: select
not_to: true
- name: stop
not_to: true
- name: again
not_to: true
- name: undo
not_to: true
- name: cut
not_to: true
- name: copy
not_to: true
- name: paste
not_to: true
- name: find
not_to: true
- category: International keys
- name: international1
- name: international2
not_to: true
- name: international3
- name: international4
not_to: true
- name: international5
not_to: true
- name: international6
not_to: true
- name: international7
not_to: true
- name: international8
not_to: true
- name: international9
not_to: true
- name: lang1
- name: lang2
- name: lang3
not_to: true
- name: lang4
not_to: true
- name: lang5
not_to: true
- name: lang6
not_to: true
- name: lang7
not_to: true
- name: lang8
not_to: true
- name: lang9
not_to: true
- category: Japanese
- name: japanese_eisuu
label: 英数キー
- name: japanese_kana
label: かなキー
- name: japanese_pc_nfer
label: PCキーボードの無変換キー
not_to: true
- name: japanese_pc_xfer
label: PCキーボードの変換キー
not_to: true
- name: japanese_pc_katakana
label: PCキーボードのかなキー
not_to: true
- category: Others
- name: keypad_equal_sign_as400
not_to: true
- name: locking_caps_lock
not_to: true
- name: locking_num_lock
not_to: true
- name: locking_scroll_lock
not_to: true
- name: alternate_erase
not_to: true
- name: sys_req_or_attention
not_to: true
- name: cancel
not_to: true
- name: clear
not_to: true
- name: prior
not_to: true
- name: return
label: rarely used return (HID usage 0x9e)
not_to: true
- name: separator
not_to: true
- name: out
not_to: true
- name: oper
not_to: true
- name: clear_or_again
not_to: true
- name: cr_sel_or_props
not_to: true
- name: ex_sel
not_to: true
- name: left_alt
label: left_alt (equal toleft_option)
- name: left_gui
label: left_gui (equal toleft_command)
- name: right_alt
label: right_alt (equal toright_option)
- name: right_gui
label: right_gui (equal toright_command)
- name: vk_consumer_brightness_down
label: vk_consumer_brightness_down (equal todisplay_brightness_decrement)
not_from: true
- name: vk_consumer_brightness_up
label: vk_consumer_brightness_up (equal todisplay_brightness_increment)
not_from: true
- name: vk_mission_control
label: vk_mission_control (equal tomission_control)
not_from: true
- name: vk_launchpad
label: vk_launchpad (equal tolaunchpad)
not_from: true
- name: vk_dashboard
label: vk_dashboard (equal todashboard)
not_from: true
- name: vk_consumer_illumination_down
label: vk_consumer_illumination_down (equal toillumination_decrement)
not_from: true
- name: vk_consumer_illumination_up
label: vk_consumer_illumination_up (equal toillumination_increment)
not_from: true
- name: vk_consumer_previous
label: vk_consumer_previous (equal torewind)
not_from: true
- name: vk_consumer_play
label: vk_consumer_play (equal toplay)
not_from: true
- name: vk_consumer_next
label: vk_consumer_next (equal tofastforward)
not_from: true
- name: volume_down
label: volume_down (equal tovolume_decrement)
- name: volume_up
label: volume_up (equal tovolume_increment`)